Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Summer Lovin... Had me a blast

Wow! I cannot tell you how amazing this summer was. I don't think I have had this good of a summer since I was a little girl. It flew by way too fast and I am sad to see it go. I have been able to do so many different things like go camping to the best place ever (Hebgen), boating more often, concerts in Utah, and most recently I got to go to a new place I have never been, Omaha, Nebraska. Yeah I know big whoop right? Nebraska? It was actually pretty dang sweet.

Omaha is where Riley and Jenny got married. Omaha is Jenny's hometown. I am so glad I got to go and be with Jordan and his family while such an awesome thing took place. It was quite the long drive but it was well worth it. We got to do some fun things while we were in Omaha. It was so hot and humid there that my hair went flat after about two minutes and my bangs would just stick to my forehead. :(

On Friday we got to go to the Omaha Zoo and it was way sweet. That night was Jenny and Riley's dinner that they had at Cresent Moon which is where Jenny has worked through the years. It is a bar that her mom's boyfriend owns and it has some dang good food. That night we wanted to go out and have some fun so Jenny's cousins said they would take us to this place they heard was fun called "The Max". On the way there we got told it was a gay bar but on Friday and Saturday nights it was hardly "gay" at all. Well, I paid $10 for me and Jordan to go into this gay bar and let me tell you.... it was so GAY! First of all, it wasn't busy at all and there were only like five people on the dance floor, second, everywhere I turned there were guys just flirting with each other. Freakin hilarious though. Atleast I can say I went to one right? Next we tried this club/bar called Irie I think is how you spell it. Yeah, well I have been to dances at the Red Lion in Idaho Falls better than these. Anyway, me and Jordan just ended up walking back to the hotel and going to sleep. At 12:30 at night it was still 85 degrees and super humid.

On Saturday was the wedding held at the Winter Quarters Temple. Jenny looked so beautiful in her dress. They were able to hold a ring ceremony and have a reception/dance at the Double Tree which is where we were staying that week. After the reception we went back over to Cresent Moon and watched people sing karoake. Riley and Brady sang a Sublime song and holy cow they were way into it. Riley was climbing on the tables and getting into it. It was too funny.

Sunday we watched Jenny and Riley open their gifts and then made the long trek back so I could get to work on Monday morning. It seemed like an even longer ride on the way back because I couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep. We got into town at 5:00 am and I went to work at 9:00. Talk about a long day. But I have to admit it was well worth it. I am so grateful I got to opportunity to go and be a part of their special day. I am glad I got to go with Jordan and to spend more time with him.

I seriously couldn't be happier. Everyday I wake up and feel so blessed to have the life that I have. I love my family so much and don't know what I would do without them. I absolutely love my mom! She always says the right things and has so many words of encouragement. The Kellers are also so amazing. I am so blessed to have stepped into the right familie's lives. Jordan is so amazing and I love every second that I spend with him. I am starting school back up, mostly online, so it is going to be a challenge for me to start putting school first over Jordan. It will be tough but I know I can do it. Life is great!