Sunday, October 24, 2010

Austin Troy

So today as I was in Blackfoot hanging with the family I was looking through some old files on Mom's lap top and found something pretty cool. I didn't think I had saved it and forgot about it so when I found it I was pretty excited. This was my last seminary devotional I gave in my high school career and it was I think the best anyone could give.

"Thirteen-year-old, Austin Call, was born with Neurofibromatosis, which is a genetic condition that affects the nervous system, muscles, bones and skin. With only a couple weeks before Christmas, Austin needed a surgery to fix the problem with his sunken eye. Not only being blind in his right eye, his left eye was continually sinking further and further in. A week before Austin’s surgery News channel 6 made his wish come true. His wish was to spend the day with the Idaho Falls Fire Department. The news anchor interviewed Austin and he told him what he did all day and then told him how nice the firemen were to him and how cool they were. After the interview the news anchor then told the viewers that if all went well he would be home in time for Christmas.

"On December 13th Austin headed in for brain surgery at Primary Children’s Hospital. The night before Austin went in for surgery he and his family went shopping and went out for pizza. That night he told his family that all the toys he gets for Christmas he wants them to go to the Make A Wish Foundation for all the needy children. That was just the type of person Austin was. Always giving to other people. If it wasn’t toys and gifts it was just his love and personality. Austin had been in pain his whole life but never had the time to realize his pain because he was too busy being happy and making people happy. Austin didn’t care how different he looked and all the different looks he got from people’s reactions. He did what he wanted and wasn’t afraid of anything. He has influenced so many people and has been the strongest person I have ever known. With all his struggles through his 13 years he has managed to make the best of them.

Austin’s surgery couldn’t have gone any better. All went very well but his condition got worse everyday. Six days later Austin had a stroke. Water kept putting more pressure on his brain to the point that he couldn’t take it any longer. The surgery had nothing to do with this pressure on his brain. That is what some cases of NeuroFibromatosis did. So even if Austin wouldn’t have had surgery this all would have happened eventually. On December 21, 2006, Austin was taken off life support to end his miserable yet happy life. I guess the newscaster was right . . . Austin gets to go home for Christmas."

My whole point to this was about "going home for Christmas". I talked about being able to be with our Heavenly Father again and how blessed Austin was to be able to go home to him.

I just thought this was cool and brought back some good memories. Miss you Austin! Thanks for being our angel!