Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cheers to 2010

I can not believe how fast this year has flown. I swear it was just yesterday that I was watching Avatar, on December 26, 2009, with Jordan. That was the first time I had actually decided to hang out with him and it was the best decision I made in the year 2009. Because now WE ARE GETTING MARRIED!!!

I had the best Christmas weekend ever. I absolutely loved spending time with the family and especially with Jordan. His family was all at their in laws for Christmas so he was able to spend Christmas with my family. I couldn't have asked for anything more. I stayed in Pocatello Christmas Eve with Jordan and his friends to do their traditional stay up all night and go on a Denny's run at 4:00 in the morning. What a killer!! I even slept a lot of the time and I still took a four hour nap Christmas afternoon. Poor Jordan got sick Christmas night so I ended up crashing at his house so I could help him out and take Jaxee out in the middle of the night if she needed to go to the bathroom.

Sunday morning Jordan pointed out that it has been a year that we have been dating. Wow, it has been a year already? Like I said, this time has gone too fast. Jordan then stated how it was going to be a good day. I thought it was a little odd but for some reason it meant a lot for him to say that. After a night of being sick I wouldn't normally wake up thinking that it would be a good day. Earlier that week Jordan had called me one day saying how he had met Micha while he was working and wanted to have her take some pictures of us. I asked him if people would think they were too much like engagement picture and he said he did not care... What? Jordan not care? I did think that was a little odd, but again, I had no clue. I have been getting rude and impatient and I kept hearing that Jordan would not propose until February or March so I had being trying to get that in my head. Anyway, so after sacrament meeting Jordan and I met up with Micha in old town Pocatello to have her take some pictures. I was excited to see Micha's daughter Shayla with her. I taught her in Young Womens while I lived at home and absolutely loved it. After taking some pictures together we were at our last spot and Micha asked if I was ready... "Um, yeah my toes are freezing!!!" So Micha then proceeded to say how she wanted to take some "fun pictures". Then I looked to my right as Jordan is getting down on one knee. After he asked me to marry him I asked him if he was serious. I was not expecting this at all and I honestly had to ask him again if he was serious. After asking a couple times if he was serious he had to ask me if it was a yes... oh shoot yeah I forgot to say yes because I was too busy asking if he was serious. What an amazing overwhelming feeling I got. I can't believe how much love I have for Jordan and how excited I am to spend eternity with him. I am so grateful for Jordan's creativity and Micha's amazing photography skills to capture the moment for us. I could not have asked for a better proposal. It is one I will be able to see and cherish everyday. I'm sorry to everyone who did not get a text or a phone call from Jordan or I. Micha was excited to post our pictures and tag us to just let everyone figure it out. The pictures turned out amazing! I couldn't be happier.

Monday, Jordan's family came together for their celebration of Christmas. All the brothers and their families came together to open present and spend time together. Last night was a good night to start out our engagement. I went home so grateful that I will be joining such an awesome family. I will have the best: an amazing family and amazing in laws. I got some great gifts from Rick and Alene. They went out of their way to spoil me. They are amazing. I was excited for Jordan's gifts too because almost all of his presents were all for the house: new awesome vacuum, skillet, quesedilla maker, popcorn maker, etc. That will soon be ours, not just his. I love to cook and keep things clean so I was pumped. I actually came back to Jordan's after the party and got out his vacuum and vacuumed his living room and bedroom. It was nice to have a vacuum that actually works good now.

I can't wait to start the new year. I am excited to start spending time with family and growing closer to friends and Jordan as we plan for the wedding. At this time I am so grateful for my family. I do not know where I would be without them. Their love and support for me is unbelievable. I have been so blessed and I will never be able to express all of the gratitude for them. I am not going to lie, it is hard to believe that my daddy will be giving me away. I will always be my mom and dad's baby and that will never change for me. I am also grateful for Jordan and that we will be able to spend eternity together. There is no one else I would rather be with. He has been so patient and has put up with my mood swings and crappy attitude. I know these past few months have been a little hard because of my bad attitude and the fact that I have been getting impatient. I will apologize for that right now and admit that I have been a brat. I know that he is going to make an amazing husband and treat me like a queen. He already makes me feel like a million kazillion dollars. Lastly, I am so indeed grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ, especially at this time of year. We are able to celebrate the birth of Christ and realize how amazing this life is. I also don't know where I would be without my faith in the Lord and this wonderful gospel that we live in. It's seriously amazing. I love my friends and can't wait to share this experience with them as I have been able to be there for all of them who are now married. Thank you for all of the love and support that you have all shown to me this past year.

Here is to 2011! Make it what you want it to be!