Sunday, June 12, 2011

-Established March 21, 2011-

Two and a half months ago Jordan and I were married in the Salt Lake Temple. It was such a special day for us and we were able to share it with our dearest family and friends. The weather was not the best so we were able to go back to Salt Lake to finish getting our pictures taken at the end of April. It was a perfect day and I am so grateful that Micha was so willing to go back. She did such and amazing job and we couldn't be any happier. Thanks Micha!!

It's been great so far. Jordan and I have been working hard to get the yard done to make the house complete. The curbing was completed a little over a month ago and Jordan, family, friends and neighbors were able to lay the sod on Memorial weekend. Thank you to all those who helped. Just this last Saturday, Jordan got a few things planted inside the curbing and it looks great! Thanks babe! It's funny what things excite us now. We were so excited when we bought our lawn mower and I'm pretty excited to start mowing our lawn. Weird, I know.



Kenadee, my niece, and Traeton, Jord's nephew, got baptized on June 4th. What awesome experiences for both of them. It is so crazy that Kendaee is already eight-years-old. I remember being in high school and Kenadee being a baby. I am so happy for the decisions she has made and hope she can continue to be a good example for her sisters.

We also got our wedding pictures back so I will share a few with you.