Sunday, September 16, 2012


Within 9 days we sold the house and were completely moved out. Crazy! On Friday, August 31st, we had an older gentleman come and look at our house. Our realtor called us later that afternoon saying that he loved it and was going to sleep on it and possibly put an offer in Saturday morning. A few hours after that, we got another call from out realtor saying that the man decided to put in an offer that night. Friday night was the first night of college football and Boise State was playing Michigan. Jordan and I met up with some friends at Buffalo Wild Wings long enough to order our drink. We met with our realtor soon after, signed a counter offer and then it was done. The guy signed Saturday without problems. Come to find out, this man had lost his home in the Charlotte Fire so he had cash. There was no waiting 30 days for a mortgage to be completed. We closed on the house the very next Friday, September 7, and was completely moved out by Monday morning. What a blessing it was to have this happen so smooth and quick. We are now living in Jordan's parent's basement until we build our next home. We have found a floor plan so we should be starting within the next couple of weeks. I wish we could be even more blessed to be in by Christmas but I highly doubt that will happen. Which is okay. I really can not complain with where we are now. This has been a crazy year so far and we have so many different adventures to come as well. We are excited to start this next chapter in our lives together. Jordan was building our Marinus home when we were dating so I didn't have much say in it which I didn't care to say much anyway. But, building this new home will be a different experience for us for sure. We are excited though for what is to come.

It's going to be a busy next few months that is for sure. Jordan will be doing all of the finish work on the house again and I should be able to help some too. I will also be starting school with Western Governor's University here in October. I'm pretty dang nervous for that. It will take a lot of studying and discipline but I think I can do it for sure.

There really hasn't been anything else going on lately but I will be updating with pictures and progress on the house for sure. Jordan and I are so grateful for our family and friends and the effort they gave to help us move out of our house. We have the best family anyone could ask for. We love you all and appreciate all you do.