Thursday, February 20, 2014

My True Hero of Strength

Last week was a very eye opening week for me. I have always known that I should not take life for granted and make the best of every situation but that doesn't always seem easy when you are in the heat of a moment. But as of last week, I will always take a step back and look at all my blessings before getting angry about something; most likely the littlest of things set me off.

My friend Jessie was diagnosed with gastric cancer last year and kicked it's ass. She went through chemo and just a few months ago she was told the fantastic news that she was cancer free. Later she then started struggling keeping food down and some other things I believe. She went back to the doctor and had some tests ran. They let her know that her scans and X-rays look good but thought maybe there was scar tissue build up causing these issues. She went in for surgery the second time only to have some scar tissue repaired. When the doctors went in for surgery they were not expecting to see what they saw. When Jessie was starting to wake up a little more a couple days later, she wasn't expecting to hear what she heard. The cancer has returned and was not caught in time. I went and visited her yesterday at home and what she told me I will not be able to get out of my mind. I didn't know what to say and all I wanted to do was break down in front of her but I knew that was probably the last thing she wanted to see.

Here is the thing about Jessie and I's relationship. She was my absolute best friend growing up. She lived just a few yards away from me and we would play at each other's houses, meet up halfway at the "haunted house", stuff our bras with water balloons, play kiss tag with boys at school, and everything else you would do with your best friend. As we got to high school, we started hanging out with different groups but always continued to have good times when we played softball together and occasionally got together. Then as we graduated, she went away to Twin Falls and I stayed in Pocatello. I still hung out with her a couple times but it isn't the friendship we used to have. People change, get busy in their lives, find new friends, but I have come to realize that no matter what path we are in our lives, nothing will ever change the fact that Jessie is and always will be one of my best friends.

I have many heroes in my life but I can truly say that Jessie is my biggest hero. She is a fighter and I know she will continue to fight as I will continue to be a support for her as much as possible. I admire her continued faith in God and the fact that I know everyone including herself prays for a miracle. God has a plan for us all and I know He knew that Jessie was strong enough to fight this battle. I believe that through this, she is changing peoples lives and has already been an inspiration to many including myself. Thank you Jessie for being my hero and true inspiration. I love you forever!