Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cheers to 2010

I can not believe how fast this year has flown. I swear it was just yesterday that I was watching Avatar, on December 26, 2009, with Jordan. That was the first time I had actually decided to hang out with him and it was the best decision I made in the year 2009. Because now WE ARE GETTING MARRIED!!!

I had the best Christmas weekend ever. I absolutely loved spending time with the family and especially with Jordan. His family was all at their in laws for Christmas so he was able to spend Christmas with my family. I couldn't have asked for anything more. I stayed in Pocatello Christmas Eve with Jordan and his friends to do their traditional stay up all night and go on a Denny's run at 4:00 in the morning. What a killer!! I even slept a lot of the time and I still took a four hour nap Christmas afternoon. Poor Jordan got sick Christmas night so I ended up crashing at his house so I could help him out and take Jaxee out in the middle of the night if she needed to go to the bathroom.

Sunday morning Jordan pointed out that it has been a year that we have been dating. Wow, it has been a year already? Like I said, this time has gone too fast. Jordan then stated how it was going to be a good day. I thought it was a little odd but for some reason it meant a lot for him to say that. After a night of being sick I wouldn't normally wake up thinking that it would be a good day. Earlier that week Jordan had called me one day saying how he had met Micha while he was working and wanted to have her take some pictures of us. I asked him if people would think they were too much like engagement picture and he said he did not care... What? Jordan not care? I did think that was a little odd, but again, I had no clue. I have been getting rude and impatient and I kept hearing that Jordan would not propose until February or March so I had being trying to get that in my head. Anyway, so after sacrament meeting Jordan and I met up with Micha in old town Pocatello to have her take some pictures. I was excited to see Micha's daughter Shayla with her. I taught her in Young Womens while I lived at home and absolutely loved it. After taking some pictures together we were at our last spot and Micha asked if I was ready... "Um, yeah my toes are freezing!!!" So Micha then proceeded to say how she wanted to take some "fun pictures". Then I looked to my right as Jordan is getting down on one knee. After he asked me to marry him I asked him if he was serious. I was not expecting this at all and I honestly had to ask him again if he was serious. After asking a couple times if he was serious he had to ask me if it was a yes... oh shoot yeah I forgot to say yes because I was too busy asking if he was serious. What an amazing overwhelming feeling I got. I can't believe how much love I have for Jordan and how excited I am to spend eternity with him. I am so grateful for Jordan's creativity and Micha's amazing photography skills to capture the moment for us. I could not have asked for a better proposal. It is one I will be able to see and cherish everyday. I'm sorry to everyone who did not get a text or a phone call from Jordan or I. Micha was excited to post our pictures and tag us to just let everyone figure it out. The pictures turned out amazing! I couldn't be happier.

Monday, Jordan's family came together for their celebration of Christmas. All the brothers and their families came together to open present and spend time together. Last night was a good night to start out our engagement. I went home so grateful that I will be joining such an awesome family. I will have the best: an amazing family and amazing in laws. I got some great gifts from Rick and Alene. They went out of their way to spoil me. They are amazing. I was excited for Jordan's gifts too because almost all of his presents were all for the house: new awesome vacuum, skillet, quesedilla maker, popcorn maker, etc. That will soon be ours, not just his. I love to cook and keep things clean so I was pumped. I actually came back to Jordan's after the party and got out his vacuum and vacuumed his living room and bedroom. It was nice to have a vacuum that actually works good now.

I can't wait to start the new year. I am excited to start spending time with family and growing closer to friends and Jordan as we plan for the wedding. At this time I am so grateful for my family. I do not know where I would be without them. Their love and support for me is unbelievable. I have been so blessed and I will never be able to express all of the gratitude for them. I am not going to lie, it is hard to believe that my daddy will be giving me away. I will always be my mom and dad's baby and that will never change for me. I am also grateful for Jordan and that we will be able to spend eternity together. There is no one else I would rather be with. He has been so patient and has put up with my mood swings and crappy attitude. I know these past few months have been a little hard because of my bad attitude and the fact that I have been getting impatient. I will apologize for that right now and admit that I have been a brat. I know that he is going to make an amazing husband and treat me like a queen. He already makes me feel like a million kazillion dollars. Lastly, I am so indeed grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ, especially at this time of year. We are able to celebrate the birth of Christ and realize how amazing this life is. I also don't know where I would be without my faith in the Lord and this wonderful gospel that we live in. It's seriously amazing. I love my friends and can't wait to share this experience with them as I have been able to be there for all of them who are now married. Thank you for all of the love and support that you have all shown to me this past year.

Here is to 2011! Make it what you want it to be!


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Austin Troy

So today as I was in Blackfoot hanging with the family I was looking through some old files on Mom's lap top and found something pretty cool. I didn't think I had saved it and forgot about it so when I found it I was pretty excited. This was my last seminary devotional I gave in my high school career and it was I think the best anyone could give.

"Thirteen-year-old, Austin Call, was born with Neurofibromatosis, which is a genetic condition that affects the nervous system, muscles, bones and skin. With only a couple weeks before Christmas, Austin needed a surgery to fix the problem with his sunken eye. Not only being blind in his right eye, his left eye was continually sinking further and further in. A week before Austin’s surgery News channel 6 made his wish come true. His wish was to spend the day with the Idaho Falls Fire Department. The news anchor interviewed Austin and he told him what he did all day and then told him how nice the firemen were to him and how cool they were. After the interview the news anchor then told the viewers that if all went well he would be home in time for Christmas.

"On December 13th Austin headed in for brain surgery at Primary Children’s Hospital. The night before Austin went in for surgery he and his family went shopping and went out for pizza. That night he told his family that all the toys he gets for Christmas he wants them to go to the Make A Wish Foundation for all the needy children. That was just the type of person Austin was. Always giving to other people. If it wasn’t toys and gifts it was just his love and personality. Austin had been in pain his whole life but never had the time to realize his pain because he was too busy being happy and making people happy. Austin didn’t care how different he looked and all the different looks he got from people’s reactions. He did what he wanted and wasn’t afraid of anything. He has influenced so many people and has been the strongest person I have ever known. With all his struggles through his 13 years he has managed to make the best of them.

Austin’s surgery couldn’t have gone any better. All went very well but his condition got worse everyday. Six days later Austin had a stroke. Water kept putting more pressure on his brain to the point that he couldn’t take it any longer. The surgery had nothing to do with this pressure on his brain. That is what some cases of NeuroFibromatosis did. So even if Austin wouldn’t have had surgery this all would have happened eventually. On December 21, 2006, Austin was taken off life support to end his miserable yet happy life. I guess the newscaster was right . . . Austin gets to go home for Christmas."

My whole point to this was about "going home for Christmas". I talked about being able to be with our Heavenly Father again and how blessed Austin was to be able to go home to him.

I just thought this was cool and brought back some good memories. Miss you Austin! Thanks for being our angel!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Summer Lovin... Had me a blast

Wow! I cannot tell you how amazing this summer was. I don't think I have had this good of a summer since I was a little girl. It flew by way too fast and I am sad to see it go. I have been able to do so many different things like go camping to the best place ever (Hebgen), boating more often, concerts in Utah, and most recently I got to go to a new place I have never been, Omaha, Nebraska. Yeah I know big whoop right? Nebraska? It was actually pretty dang sweet.

Omaha is where Riley and Jenny got married. Omaha is Jenny's hometown. I am so glad I got to go and be with Jordan and his family while such an awesome thing took place. It was quite the long drive but it was well worth it. We got to do some fun things while we were in Omaha. It was so hot and humid there that my hair went flat after about two minutes and my bangs would just stick to my forehead. :(

On Friday we got to go to the Omaha Zoo and it was way sweet. That night was Jenny and Riley's dinner that they had at Cresent Moon which is where Jenny has worked through the years. It is a bar that her mom's boyfriend owns and it has some dang good food. That night we wanted to go out and have some fun so Jenny's cousins said they would take us to this place they heard was fun called "The Max". On the way there we got told it was a gay bar but on Friday and Saturday nights it was hardly "gay" at all. Well, I paid $10 for me and Jordan to go into this gay bar and let me tell you.... it was so GAY! First of all, it wasn't busy at all and there were only like five people on the dance floor, second, everywhere I turned there were guys just flirting with each other. Freakin hilarious though. Atleast I can say I went to one right? Next we tried this club/bar called Irie I think is how you spell it. Yeah, well I have been to dances at the Red Lion in Idaho Falls better than these. Anyway, me and Jordan just ended up walking back to the hotel and going to sleep. At 12:30 at night it was still 85 degrees and super humid.

On Saturday was the wedding held at the Winter Quarters Temple. Jenny looked so beautiful in her dress. They were able to hold a ring ceremony and have a reception/dance at the Double Tree which is where we were staying that week. After the reception we went back over to Cresent Moon and watched people sing karoake. Riley and Brady sang a Sublime song and holy cow they were way into it. Riley was climbing on the tables and getting into it. It was too funny.

Sunday we watched Jenny and Riley open their gifts and then made the long trek back so I could get to work on Monday morning. It seemed like an even longer ride on the way back because I couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep. We got into town at 5:00 am and I went to work at 9:00. Talk about a long day. But I have to admit it was well worth it. I am so grateful I got to opportunity to go and be a part of their special day. I am glad I got to go with Jordan and to spend more time with him.

I seriously couldn't be happier. Everyday I wake up and feel so blessed to have the life that I have. I love my family so much and don't know what I would do without them. I absolutely love my mom! She always says the right things and has so many words of encouragement. The Kellers are also so amazing. I am so blessed to have stepped into the right familie's lives. Jordan is so amazing and I love every second that I spend with him. I am starting school back up, mostly online, so it is going to be a challenge for me to start putting school first over Jordan. It will be tough but I know I can do it. Life is great!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July**

Okay, so I'm not going to lie... I miss West Yellowstone's fireworks. I have now been to Idaho Falls, Blackfoot, and Pocatello's and they just aren't the same. However, we had a great view of the Pocatello fireworks tonight with Jordan's family and some friends. We went up to his new house and sat up on the roof and watched them right across the freeway. What an awesome day and wonderful night.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Life's a crazy ride...

Well, I finally decided to start a blog. Everyone has been wanting to see how Jordan and Kyle's video turned out so that's the majority of the reason why I started one. Not entirely though. I've actually been wanting to start one for a while now so everyone can see what I have been doing even though my life is uneventful for the most part.

First off, I work at Idaho Central Credit Union as a teller. I have worked there a little over a year this past June. I really enjoy it and the people I work with. It's so great interacting with people everyday. I have developed some good relationships with my teammates and members that come in. I have made some very good friends here in Poky and through the bank. The Keller boys befriended me through the bank and are awesome. Riley and I have become good friends and was the one who really encourage me to take a better path. I then actually started dating Jordan a little over six months ago. He is so great! I absolutely love life. The whole Keller family is amazing! I have so much fun hanging out at their home whether it be watching movies, ruckusing, or just b-sing. Ruckusing you ask? Haha yeah if you don't know what a Ruckus is they are bad A! They are a type of scooter but pimpin! I ended up buying one a few months ago. I will post some pictures of them sometime.

I am still living in Poky and Lindsey and I finally moved in together. We've only been back and forth with each other about it the last couple years. We are renting a little old house. It's pretty cute. I love Linds!! We don't spend a whole lot of time together but of course it's always a good time when we do. Especially when her and Kev get together. Always a riot!!

A few weekends ago I had the privilege filming Jordan and Kyle Gingg's wedding. What fun I had filming and editing this. I am posting the video for those that want to watch it. What a beautiful couple! Jordan was such a beautiful bride. I think this really was a fairytale wedding. Thanks Jordan and Kyle for asking me to take up such an awesome opportunity. This is the first video that I have really edited that was live footage. I was pretty nervous when I looked back through my shot thinking "how in the world am I going to put this together". But it worked out just as I wanted. I am hoping to update to a newer computer and program. I hope to really make a career out of this. I really enjoy doing this. It is so time consuming but well worth it. Love you Jord!

Well, now that I finally figured out how to add the video I hope you enjoy!! Sorry that it had to be cut into four parts... These dang things can only be a certain length, file, and all that jazz. I hope it still looks alright. I will try and get it better sometime but I don't think I will. Sorry!
