Sunday, June 20, 2010

Life's a crazy ride...

Well, I finally decided to start a blog. Everyone has been wanting to see how Jordan and Kyle's video turned out so that's the majority of the reason why I started one. Not entirely though. I've actually been wanting to start one for a while now so everyone can see what I have been doing even though my life is uneventful for the most part.

First off, I work at Idaho Central Credit Union as a teller. I have worked there a little over a year this past June. I really enjoy it and the people I work with. It's so great interacting with people everyday. I have developed some good relationships with my teammates and members that come in. I have made some very good friends here in Poky and through the bank. The Keller boys befriended me through the bank and are awesome. Riley and I have become good friends and was the one who really encourage me to take a better path. I then actually started dating Jordan a little over six months ago. He is so great! I absolutely love life. The whole Keller family is amazing! I have so much fun hanging out at their home whether it be watching movies, ruckusing, or just b-sing. Ruckusing you ask? Haha yeah if you don't know what a Ruckus is they are bad A! They are a type of scooter but pimpin! I ended up buying one a few months ago. I will post some pictures of them sometime.

I am still living in Poky and Lindsey and I finally moved in together. We've only been back and forth with each other about it the last couple years. We are renting a little old house. It's pretty cute. I love Linds!! We don't spend a whole lot of time together but of course it's always a good time when we do. Especially when her and Kev get together. Always a riot!!

A few weekends ago I had the privilege filming Jordan and Kyle Gingg's wedding. What fun I had filming and editing this. I am posting the video for those that want to watch it. What a beautiful couple! Jordan was such a beautiful bride. I think this really was a fairytale wedding. Thanks Jordan and Kyle for asking me to take up such an awesome opportunity. This is the first video that I have really edited that was live footage. I was pretty nervous when I looked back through my shot thinking "how in the world am I going to put this together". But it worked out just as I wanted. I am hoping to update to a newer computer and program. I hope to really make a career out of this. I really enjoy doing this. It is so time consuming but well worth it. Love you Jord!

Well, now that I finally figured out how to add the video I hope you enjoy!! Sorry that it had to be cut into four parts... These dang things can only be a certain length, file, and all that jazz. I hope it still looks alright. I will try and get it better sometime but I don't think I will. Sorry!


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