Sunday, November 4, 2012

Change in the Air...and Body

The word is out! Jordan and I are expecting our first bundle of joy around May 13th. We are so excited and already can not wait for the time to come to meet our little one.

On September 7, I was not sleeping very well so I ended up getting gout of bed about 4:30 and starting a bath. I wasn't feeling well and assumed it was just because I was nervous about selling the house and what to do next. I had a pregnancy test under my sick so I thought, what the heck. Well I got in the tub forgetting that I had even used the test, and just relaxed as much as I could. My mind was running a thousand miles a minute because of what we were doing later that day. I got out of the tub and saw the pregnancy test sitting on the counter. I looked at it as if it was nothing because we had been off protection for about 4 months. I saw the lines and had to check the box... Positive? I didn't know what to do. Do I wake Jordan up now or should I wait and tell him later? Well, I waited and I think that was the worst thing I could have done. I went to work that day and was just sick to my stomach. My nerves and excitement were just out of control that it was literally making me sick. I wanted so bad to just tell Jordan but there was no way I was just going to send him a text. So, at 4:30, we went and signed papers to sell our house. After getting home, we were ready to start packing so that we could get most everything moved through the weekend. I decided that before I said anything, I wanted to take one more test just to be sure. So, I took another test and it was positive. Jordan asked me, "Are you ready for this?" I played dumb and asked him what he was talking about. Of course he was talking about the house and moving. I simply said yes and then asked him the same question. He said yes he was but I asked the question again. I pulled the tests from behind my back and just looked at him. It took him a second but we both shared our excitement and how we couldn't really believe it. Then Jordan said how the Lord really does work in mysterious ways. The timing of how things have happened couldn't really have been better. I mean, in some sense, they could have been better since I have been so sick and having to be sick while living at my in laws sucks. But we will be in a new home and have a new little one to love to pieces. We are excited to find out the sex and be able to decorate the baby's room from scratch. 

It's been amazing seeing the difference it has already made. I can tell already that Jordan is going to be an amazing father who will constantly love his family and do all he can for us. I'm so grateful that he has been by my side through thick and thin. With being sick and dealing with other things in my life, he has been right there to bring my soup, wipe my tears, and just let me know how much he loves me. So grateful that we have each other and taking this journey together. I really couldn't ask for a better person. 

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