Saturday, November 5, 2011

Welcome to Reality

We have had some changes over the past month that have taken a toll on our family. My brother-in-law Wade took a transfer for his job to Kennewick, Washington. So about a month ago, me, Shilo, Tara, and my mom and dad helped move Sammi and Wade and their family to Kennewick. It was very hard on us, especially my parents. My dad in particular. Let's just say there were a lot of tears as we were leaving Washington. When you grow up within a 20 mile radius of your family it is definitely hard to have them move far away. Especially when you only have three nieces and they leave too.

We met in Pocatello about 6:00 in the morning on a Friday and that is where Jordan said his goodbyes.
Taylee is always shy to Jordan,
yet she always asks where he
 is whenever I talk to her. Messed

Mylee was hiding as well.
By this time Sammi was
crying again.

KJ was riding in Shilo's truck
and was already busy watching
a movie.

It rained a lot of the way to Kennewick and made plenty of stops. We stopped in Mountain Home for a pit stop and realized one of the trailer tires on Shilo's trailer was going flat.

So, we had to go get a brand new tire put on because it was not
able to be saved.

Driving through the Blues and the canyon was very pretty. With the rain and a few low clouds it made for a sweet picture.

I have an app on my iPhone called Hipstamatic. It takes
awesome pictures!

About 10 hours later, we made it safely and started unpacking as quick as possible before it got too dark. Sammi and Wade are starting out in an apartment and they are on the third level. So it was super fun going up and down three flights of stairs with no extra help.

The girls at their apartment complex. It's a cute place. The
clubhouse has a workout facility, pool, hot tub, and unlimited
These little twinners were hyper and giggly.
I love listening to them giggle though.

We went down on the shore of the Columbia River and played around a little bit. Pretty cool to be close by the river. It's huge.

Miss them so much already
I love when Sammi sends me videos of the girls. I took this video while we were in Washington. Whenever you asked Taylee what her name is she says John... They are the cutest things I miss them more and more everyday.

Sammi sent me this video not too long ago and she said that Taylee was following in my footsteps. I have a weird ability to snort really loud. When I sent Taylee a text back of me snorting Sammi text me back laughing and saying how Taylee kept snorting back like we were have a snort conversation. Too funny.

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