Sunday, November 20, 2011

#1 Credit Union in Idaho - Literally

I waited to do this post until this past week because some awesome things have happened at work. First off, I have been working for Idaho Central Credit Union for two years and five months now. After much effort and patience I finally got a promotion!! This past year has somewhat been a struggle for me in the branch due to other team members but moreso the fact that I just felt stuck and a little over qualified for my teller position. Job opportunities come and go so often but I was just waiting for the right position to come along. I love being in the branch and having the interaction with the members but the turnover rate (especially in our branch) for FSO positions or anything higher then a teller doesn't happen often so I didn't really have a choice. Idaho Central has just opened a new department in their administration office called the Online Service Center. Pretty self explanatory. They deal with any online loan applications, update Facebook and Twitter and deal with all the service people need online. You can now open checking, savings, or any account online now. It's pretty awesome! My new position will be an Online Loan Officer. I will be contracting loans that are done through the internet. Some people in the branch may think it will take away from the branches, however, it actually saves the branch time for the fact that when an online app comes in the branch used to just do all the finish work. I think it actually took time away from other people who choose to come into the branch to apply for loans and go through the whole process there. Things are just changing just like new ATMs are so nice that people would rather use them than come into the branch. Right now there are just two guys in the department and they are busy as can be so I can't wait to get over there and stay busy. I think my days will go a lot faster that way. I heard they are tons of fun to work with and the whole floor I am on is a lot of fun. I start November 28 and can't wait to start new and work with men. There have been many things happen lately that have just made me that much more excited to start at the admin building. I will definately miss all my members and the great relationships I have made with them but I think it will be an awesome experience and opens so many more opportunities for growth within the credit union. This is such a great job. It definately is a great career job that I could see myself having for a very long time. I'm excited to show what I have to offer.

I have wanted to blog about my promotion but the reason why I waited was because the Credit Union gave away a 2011 Ford Fiesta last week. One member won in Boise on Tuesday and then on Wednesday they have the party at the administration building to give away the second car. The Chubbuck branch had about 7 finalists out of 52. That doesn't seem like a lot but it really is and guess what? One of our members WON!!! That's right Keith Davies won the Ford Fiesta! It was so awesome to be there cheering for our members and seeing how excited people were. I had to laugh though cause I went up to Keith and his wife before the drew for the car and I asked Keith if he woke up this morning feeling like a winner and he played it off so calmly and just said how they never win things so they didn't think much of it. What they did was narrowed the 52 finalists down to 30. Keith was the 30th person called. Then they narrowed it down to 10. I can't remember if Keith was last that time too. But then they narrowed it down to 5. Keith was the 5th person called. We had to laugh cause all the time he didn't think he would win and sure enough Kent Oram called the winner of the car and Keith's name was called. It was so awesome to see how excited he and his wife were. I am glad they one for the fact that his wife loves lime green and loves the car. I swear anytime anyone came to put their name in for the drawing they would say how much they hated the color and thought it was just so ugly. Well sorry but I don't want you to win a FREE car if all your going to do is complain about it. Thursday morning Keith and his wife came into the branch and she was wearing a lime green shirt and socks and they just had a permagrin. I got our board out that morning and put, "Congrats Keith for winning the Ford Fiesta," and his wife was just taking pictures and loving life. The car had decals all over it saying "Win this car" and "ICCU 100,000 members". They said they were going to drive around with all of it on for a while to show it off. It was just so cool that they were so awesome about it and love the color and things about it. We had to brag that he was our very own Chubbuck member.

What an awesome experience! Things like that make me so proud to work for such a company that does things like that. Last year for Christmas every employee got iPads. This year for Christmas, everyone gets digital cameras. They are truly a great company. Yes, we get spoiled but its more than that as well. I really can't complain even though I do sometimes. I'm so grateful I even have a job that I can go to everyday that pays the bills and has great hours. Can't wait to continue to succeed with Idaho Central!

Here are some fun pictures from Wednesday night. They pictures aren't very good cause everyone was so excited no one could sit still. There is also a video that is hard to see cause it is far away but it is still fun.

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