Sunday, January 22, 2012

Somedays You Just Need Your Mama

Isn't my mom beautiful? I just had to post about my day Friday. My parents and I were supposed to go to Washington to see Sammi and her family but the weather was so bad there that we just couldn't make it. I swear that always happens to me. Anytime I plan on going somewhere, thats when it decides to storm. Anyway, I was pretty bummed out and emotional so my mom decided to just work for a little while in the morning and just have a girls day. So about noon we went up to Idaho Falls and just had the day to ourselves. I love when we are together and have to drive somewhere. That is where we have such good talks. I can't even explain how amazing my mom is and what a great example she is to me. It's hard not to even get a little emotional writing this because of how highly I think of her. I know she probably doesn't think so and would never admit it but she is an inspiration to many people.

We talked of a lot of things that just really touched me. I seriously can't go a day without tearing up just a little bit. So, I did a lot on Friday but it was good. My mom was telling me stories from the church news and things like that. She told me of a man, Philip, who left the church at 14 because of his lack of interest in religion. He went into a book store one day when he was older and a woman there had mistaken him for a model that would act as Jesus Christ for pictures. If you can imagine this man had long hair, a beard and just resembled Christ. The man had to correct the woman at the store telling her that he was not who she thought. The woman at the book store worked with photographer Liz Swindle, so she told her about this man that she met in the book shop. To make this long story short, Liz Swindle was contacted from an organization called "Mothers Without Border" and had asked her to go to Africa and take some pictures with the African children and Christ. After turning the opportunity down once, plus he had cut his hair that year, Philip said yes the next year Liz had called again asking him to go with her. He thought he was just on a paid vacation but while he was in Africa things changed. When he was with the children portraying Jesus he would tell them that he is not really Jesus Christ but he knows that Heavenly Father loves each and every one of them. Philip got very sick while he was there and a young man came and asked him if he would like a priesthood blessing. Philip turned him down at first but as he was leaving he told him that he would take him up on his offer. So later, the young man came back with a white shirt and tie on and had another man with him. They gave him a blessing and after they were done he said that he knew that the words that came out were not from the young man. He knew that the spirit was helping the young man give him the blessing. After this experience and Philip returned home, he broke up with his girlfriend, found the church again, and ended up marrying the lady who runs "Mothers Without Borders". She is older than him by about 20 years and they still go to Africa so he can pose as Christ. Here is a link to the story http://www.deseretnews.com/article/705395464/Modeling-as-Savior-helps-man-find-his-faith.html. I just thought it was so neat that this guy posed as Christ to these crying children and had no idea who Christ really was. But he knew that he was important to these children and it ended up changing his life. Just a touching little story I thought I'd share. This is why my mom is so amazing.

My mom and I also got talking about putting things off and how we always say that we will do it tomorrow. She was telling me another story resembling that but all I really remember my mom saying is, "Tomorrow may never come. Tomorrow didn't come for my mom." I can't even imagine what I would do if I couldn't have a girls day with my mom. I think that is why I was so emotional that day was because I didn't want to take a second of it for granted. I wanted to cherish every moment I got with her because I can't imagine if tomorrow didn't come. My mom is such a strong women and I know a lot of it is because of her having to be without her mom and be without those talks and quick phone calls asking if canned milk is the same as evaporated milk. :) But because of those trials we face I am so grateful of the woman my mom has become. She is a great leader, mom, wife, friend, coworker, and on and on. All it takes is a smile, note, hug, diet coke, or something small to change someones day. Because of Friday, my mom has made me want to really try to do those little things for someone who looks like they need it. Because of my mom I am who I am today. Because of my mom, I know anything is possible.


Shout out to Sammi as well... She is becoming an amazing mother just like our Mom is. She had a great post on her blog the other day that touched me as well. It was about an experience she had that made her realize that we are just so quick to judge. Here is her link so you can read it because I thought it was great. lifewiththeroberts.blogspot.com. It is in the post about Kenadee's pinewood derby. LOVE YOU SAM

A Moment in Paradise

Well, my first trip to Hawaii was a success! I should also say, Jordan and I's first "real" trip together was a success. I guess you could count our Las Vegas honeymoon trip but for some reason I don't want to count that. Anyway, we had so much fun and I am so glad we got the opportunity to go. It was hard to come back but I am not sure how long I could really stay there before I felt claustrophobic or something. Plus, even though we wish we could never come back we have to face reality again eventually. It really made it hard for me to be motivated at work. I am in a kick again where I wish I could just make videos and stay home. But, I will get over that when I kick butt in my sales again this month so I can pay for our next trip with my commission. I told Jordan that I want to pay for our Costa Rica trip with my bonuses so it is really a big incentive for me. I really have to work hard this week and half of next week. Being gone for a week makes it really hard to bounce back at work. But, I think I can, I think I can. 

So, the weather was absolutely perfect and we had a great view from out hotel room. We got to go snorkeling, visit Pearl Harbor, go to the Polynesian Cultural Center, meet up with friends, and just kick back and enjoy each other's company. Shout out goes to my father-in-law Rick for buying me snorkel gear. I would have been okay with just renting but the fact that everyone else has their own I had to have my own too. Thanks Papa K, I really enjoyed snorkeling and can't wait to go again when I get the chance!!

Here are our fun photos: 

So, we left Pocatello late Thursday night to drive to Salt Lake because our flight was at 6:35 Friday morning. We needed to grab dinner heading out of town and really wanted a Little Caesar's pizza. Seriously, who can't eat it without Tabasco? Only problem for us, we have a huge bottle and it froze in the car while we were gone. Don't worry, it's back in the fridge! :)

DAY 1 - Friday

The plane ride was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I kept myself busy quite a bit and I enjoy flying so it wasn't bad. Once we got to our hotel room and settled we went for a walk to check things out. Then we just ate dinner and relaxed. You will see that I saw relaxed a lot... because we relaxed a lot. :)

Flying out of LA and soooooo pumped to get there already!!
The view outside our hotel room was awesome.  
Loved all the scenery and was amazed at how clean the area was 
So, once we got there we walked down to "the strip" and ate at the Cheesecake Factory. Jordan saw the Kobe Burger and was so pumped that he asked the waiter if it was dedicated to Kobe Bryant. The waiter just laughed and said that it is actually pronounced like "Kobay"... Jordan was crushed and ended up getting the mushroom swiss burger. 
These are banyon trees. They were so awesome and huge
These little whatever they are called we down an alley way trying to lead people to a tattoo shop...  Maybe I got a tattoo maybe I didn't... Okay okay I didn't but the signs were nice.
Need I say more? 
Did I say how much I liked the trees... all of them? haha 
Unexpectedly, there were fireworks on Friday night so we had a great view of those. That is the rainbow tower where Rick and Alene were to be staying but they hadn't gotten off their cruise yet.
Jordan's spirit left the bed from watching EPSN to come check out the fireworks. Haha see the transparency?

DAY TWO - Saturday

Rick and Alene arrived Saturday so  after relaxing by the pool for a while we met up with them and spent most of the day with them. Can I say how nice it was to just relax when we wanted and not have to worry about being on the go go go all day everyday.

On our way to get snorkel gear!!
Hard to see... but if you know me I like to take pictures of random, different, weird, interesting, hairy?, funny people... Hence the coat this guy is wearing in 80 degree weather
Rick and Alene's awesome view from their room. Loved all the night lights 
Do you see what I see?
This banyon tree shades the entire back space of the Royal Hawaiian... I think thats the right hotel.

DAY THREE - Sunday

We didn't do too much on Sunday. We slept in, sat by the pool, ate and really just relaxed. It was actually a great day!

This was the view of the streets from our room.

I was able to capture a lot of pretty sunsets
Crazy how fast the sun sets
Just another night life picture

DAY FOUR - Monday

Monday was an awesome experience. We drove to the Pearl Harbor Memorial and was able to take a boat over to the USS Arizona. We watched a movie before going over and it was somewhat emotional for me. Seeing the old live footage and just the video as a whole it really brought a feeling over me that I cannot explain. It could be that I am easily moved and emotional but it was just awesome. The feeling being over the Arizona was eery. Jordan and I watched as some black blotches of oil surfaced from the ship and just talked about how crazy it is that the bombing happened right there, right where we were. Such an experience...

All of the flags at the entrance to the Pearl Harbor Memorial
This is the building over the USS Arizona
Crazy that oil still surfaces after 70 years
The wall of names
The buoy, a little below the center of the picture, is where the front of the USS Arizona is. The ship still afloat is the USS Missouri
Part of the USS Arizona

Just catching another beautiful sunset
Second time eating at the Cheesecake Factory.... yummy
But Rick and Alene came with us this time. Hope they enjoyed it as much as I did :)

DAY FIVE - Tuesday

Tuesday morning was so much fun!! Jordan and I woke up early and headed out to Hanauma Bay so it wouldn't be way busy for snorkeling. Boy are we glad we did go early. We got there around 8:00 and started snorkeling about 9:00 and were gone by 11:30. It started getting so packed by 10:30. It was nice going so early because you didn't have to worry about people being so close to you in the water. Snorkeling scared me at first. I felt so claustrophobic in the water breathing out of the snorkel but I got used to it and had a blast with Jordan.

Hanauma Bay... Isn't it beautiful?
Good morning sunshine
Let's do this!
It was cool to see all the different fish. No turtles though :(
This fish reminds us of Finding Nemo... You know, the fish stuck in the fish tank at the dentist? Yeah, that fish
This fish was so colorful!
Snorkel Jordan
See my sweet gear!! Teal baby!!!
Snorkel Jordan is ready to lay out in the sun

DAY SIX - Wednesday

We drove over to the North Shore Wednesday morning and ate breakfast at Ted's Bakery. It was a little tiny building that looked a little old but the people there were working so hard and their food was really good. We were able to watch the waves for a bit which was pretty neat. They are huge on the North Shore. The temple there is so beautiful. The pictures will tell it all but the road leading up to the temple is just so long, pretty and so well kept. The rest of the afternoon we spent at the Polynesian Cultural Center. That place is awesome. We were able to catch all of the different cultures and see the different things they do. What a great day! To top it off I was able to meet up with Chelsea and her husband. I think it has been pretty close to graduation since the last time we saw each other so it was so good to see her and catch up. 

Ted's Bakery

Did I say how much I loved the warm weather? Well I will say it again because it was amazing! I could easily live away from the cold.
Yes, this is Jordan's photo... He was pretty proud
Mama and Papa K
Oh you know, just admiring the beauty of the ocean
What a stud muffin
Laie Hawaii Temple

Jordan loved the mountains... Every time they were in sight he had to tell me how much they reminded him of Costa Rica

See what I mean? So pretty
First stop was Samoa... He climbed the tree and had to pose on the way down
Holy buff guy

At the luau waiting for our turn to eat 
My visit with Chels!!

DAY SIX - Thursday

We took the red eye flight Thursday night so we didn't do a whole lot that day. We got up and met up with one of Jordan's old companions and had breakfast and then met up with Rick and Alene to take all of our luggage to the airport. After that we just went back to the strip and walked around a little bit then ate Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. Then sad to say we headed to the airport to wait for our flight. I was a fun trip and glad I was able to go but sometimes it is nice to come back to my home. 
Making memories...
Loved the statues
The Kalia Tower at the Hilton Hawaiian... the tower we stayed in
Sad day to leave such warm weather and fun
Until next time Hawaii, Aloha!
We hope to continue to make 2012 a year of fun and adventure.