Sunday, January 1, 2012

End With A Bang & Begin With A Boom

Well, another year has come and gone. Like we say every year "Wow did it go by fast". I think we will always say that. I remember my parents always saying how fast the time has gone that their baby is all grown up. I can't even imagine that in the blink of an eye, Jordan and I will be saying that when our kids are all grown up. Feels like forever away but it will come and go so quick we will wonder where the time has gone.

It's been a fantastic 2011. My most favorite part of the year was getting married to my best friend. Like I said before this year has gone by so quick. It's hard to believe that in three months it will already be our one year anniversary. It has been a journey so far getting adapted to each other and learning to really communicate. I still think men should just know what you want but it just doesn't work that way. Men can't read minds even though they should. :) Okay just kidding. Last night my mom asked what one of my new year's resolutions is and I said I was going to be nicer to Jordan. Boy, did I speak without thinking... Now I really have to think of my words and actions towards Jordan. Poor guy has just been tortured it seems. Last night while we were laying in bed he said how excited he was for my resolution. So that is when I thought of "communication" and decided right then and there that communication is going to be another one of my resolutions. If I can learn to communicate every time something bothers me then maybe it will help in my first resolution. This is all too funny. Jordan and I are very opposite. He is very laid back and I just let very little things bother me. It ranges anywhere from his best friend always treating him like our lives are a joke or something as small putting his shoes away when there are already four pairs in the middle of the living room floor. Instead of me kindly asking Jordan to help out or to say something to his friend I just get frustrated and then it builds up more and more to where nothing is right and I am always doing everything. So, "cheers to the new year and another chance for us [me] to get it right" - Oprah Winfrey.

I am so excited to start this year right. I had strep throat last week and also had a migraine that sent me back to the doctor because it was so painful. So, with the way I ended 2011, I am glad to start 2012 with some sun shine and fun. In just a few days Jordan and I get to go to Hawaii. Jordan's dad is the CEO of Idaho Farm Bureau so he is always going places for meetings. Yeah, the life I know. He deserves it though with all the work he does at his job and also as stake president. He is definitely a hard working guy. I am so excited for a vacation to a place I have never been and also to spend time with Jordan. I have been having some crazy dreams the past couple of weeks and if Hawaii is anything like my dreams and of what people have been telling me I know it will be amazing. I can't wait to be in warm weather and wake up to the beach at our door. Everyone says that you will never want to come home. I haven't even left yet and I know I won't want to come home.

After Hawaii, we will go back to work for a while then head off to California with the Keller family in May. We are going to Disneyland with all the nieces and nephews. I am excited to go on a trip with Jordan's family. Omaha didn't really count because none of the kids went so it was all the adults and with the wedding going on it wasn't a real vacation. Jordan and I are also trying to plan a trip to Costa Rica in the fall but have yet to really sit down and choose a date and time. I'm hoping we can get back there before anything life changing happens. But we shall see... You never know what life will bring.

I am excited to continue to progress in my job and also try to do more videos here and there. I have decided to take yet another semester off. I know I know, I really need to just hit school hard and finish but I have a good job and I just can't justify cutting back hours to do both work and school. All the classes I need to take are during the day. When I have the opportunity to do otherwise then I will finish. I WILL get my degree no matter how long it takes. I am grateful that Jordan and I have been blessed with our jobs and the comfort that they bring us. 

Once again, I am excited for the new year and anxious for what it may bring. Grateful for Jordan and both of our families and the friends that we have. 

1 comment:

  1. Kayla, I am working for the company that is putting together the Farm Bureau Program! How funny! Hope to see you while you are here!
