Friday, May 18, 2012

The Happiest Place on Earth

Well, I guess you can say, after a week back to work we have recovered from our nice family vacation with the Keller family in California. Jordan and I had a blast together and with the family. It was so much fun being with all of the nieces and nephews seeing their excitement and love for every single ride at Disneyland and Sea World. I thought it was going to be hard staying all together and what not and was surprised at how much we were together through out the week. There were definitely some interesting parts that I will keep aside but it was easy to ignore, laugh about, and enjoy our time even more. I'm not going to lie and I know my family and maybe even Rick and Alene can agree with, but I can be very negative and have an attitude quite frequently. I was so surprised with myself the entire week. I hardly complained if I really did any complaining at all and I don't think I was ever really grumpy that whole time. Okay maybe one day was really rough but I had a good excuse and I will explain later.

Day 1: Me, Jordan, Derick, Jacque and their three kids got to California a day early because we had bought tickets to the Los Angeles Angels vs. Toronto Blue Jays game. It was so much fun. Albert Pujols is known to have the best batting average in the league but since he was traded this year from the St Louis Cardinals to the Angels he has been struggling terribly. He had not hit a home run yet that season so we were hoping we would get the chance to watch that happen. After three or so innings he had struck out and hit but never got on base. So when he stepped up the to plate the next time, Jordan and I both got out our phones to record him, just in case... then WHAM!!!! Pujols hit his first homer of the season right down the left field line and over the fence. Our seats were right down left field so we saw it close up. We got it all on video too even though you can't even see the ball it still counts. So that was a fun time and loved it!

Day 2: This was our first day at Disneyland all together. We had a ton of fun and the weather was seriously perfect. It was hot but not super hot that we couldn't stand it. Like I said before, it was so much fun watching how much fun the kids were having not skipping out on any ride. The park was not busy at all so the wait for lines were super short. I think the longest was walking through the queve lines just to get to the ride. By the time were were through them it was time to get on the ride. The longest actual wait though was Toy Story Mania in California Adventure. It is a 3D ride where you shoot targets and play against your opponent. It's much funner than it sounds.

Day 3: Second day in Disneyland and just as fun. Rick and Alene wanted family pictures taken so every family was dressed in a different color. It was a challenge just because it is Disneyland and people are walking everyone and your not supposed to sit on the wall yada yada who cares right? They still turned out pretty good but not as great as a professional would have done in another location. I will post the family pic and not individual families because I don't want to drown the blog with too much. Which usually I already do by typing so much but oh well. Tuesday was a short day at Disneyland because I surprised Jordan with tickets to the Laker games against the Denver Nuggets. It's playoffs now so this game was crazy. I have to admit, I actually enjoyed this game a lot even though I am far from Laker lover. The atmosphere there was un real. Lakers played like crap and ended up losing but they did catch up from a huge Denver lead but just couldn't pull it off. Our seat were complete nose bleed but the Staples Center does not have a bad seat in it. Their screen above the court is high definition and so huge that it wasn't bad watching that either. I think Jordan had a good time even though they lost but did end up winning that series. Let's just face it, Lakers are struggling and we may watch them get put out by OKC too... haha shhh don't tell Jordan.

This little guy is a true Laker fan. He went to the game and as we were walking out the owner said he was pissed too that Lakers lost. Too funny

Day 4: Hooray for sea creatures! This hump day was full of Sea World fun! We watched the Shamu Show, Seamore and Clyde (sea lions), and the Dolphin Show. Shamu was lame! The trainers used to get in the water and swim and do sweet things with the whales but apparently those "killer whales" really do kill people. Now the trainers can no longer get in the water. Lame, we have soldiers sacrificing their life for our freedom, why can't the trainers who supposedly LOVE their job so much sacrifice their life to entertain people. Seriously! Okay, totally kidding but really, Shamu just splashes people and swims around. Seamore and Clyde is always fun and entertaining. It's amazing how they can train these animals to do this act everyday of the week. The dolphin show was awesome as well. Last time I was at Sea World with my Gardner family, the dolphin show was closed because they were building the new stage and show. There were dolphins swimming and leaping, trainers diving and swimming with the dolphins, and birds flying over our heads. And yes! The birds were actually part of the act. So, Sea World was fun and ended up being a great day.

Day 5: This was an interesting day to say the least. This was Universal Studios day. Universal Studios is in Los Angeles, we stayed in Anaheim all week, and San Diego is the opposite direction. So we were at Universal Studios riding Jurassic Park when I was getting phone calls and texts from my mom. Long story short, my cousin Jeremy is living in San Diego and his cute pregnant wife was back in Idaho with their cute daughter London because they plan on spending their summer here and having her baby in Idaho. Jeremy stayed behind due to finals week at school and if Kate waited for him it would be too late for her to fly. Jeremy had gone to the doctor earlier that week because of a lump he had felt. The results came back Thursday and the doctor told him that he has cancer and needs to have surgery that day. So with no time to prepare he was alone. Luckily, Jeremy had an awesome friend who helped Jeremy out all day and stayed at the hospital with him while he was waiting to go in for surgery. At this point in time, his wife was stuck in Idaho and my aunt and uncle took the first flight out which was 5:00 pm. My mom thought it would be nice to have a family member there while my cousin is going through this tough situation. So, of course, I am going to drop everything I am doing to support my family because that is what family does. It was so hard seeing Jordan's disappoint the longer the drive felt as we were making our way to San Diego. He was upset and frustrated due to the fact that my cousin was to have surgery at 2:00 and by the time we got there he should have been done already. But, a three hour drive later,r we walked through the hospital doors at 4:15 and he was rolled into the operating room. The operation was to take two hours and then one hour in recovery. I can definitely understand the frustration in this but this is family. Would you do this for your family? Jeremy's surgery went well and after he was in recovery long enough for the drugs to wear off he was able to go home. As Jordan and I were headed back to Anaheim, I was overwhelmed with gratitude and the love I felt from my family for the sacrifice we made. My cousins, aunt, uncle, parents, and sister were so grateful for being there for Jeremy when they were unable to be. Family truly is the greatest blessing. I am so grateful that Jordan and I were in California that week and this is something that I will never forget. It is a peaceful feeling to me knowing that our family would do anything for each other. I think Jordan had a humbling experience as well and I am grateful for that as well.

Day 6: Last day of the vacation!!! Booooooo... The last day we spent the day in Disneyland. Of course we had fun again that day because 1. Disneyland is the happiest place on Earth and 2. We are on vacation! There is no limit to fun and no reason why we shouldn't have fun. This day was a little annoying though because there were tons of schools there and then at night, all of the season pass holders started showing up too so it was packed. We went from no wait time at the beginning of the week to 45 minute wait times Friday night. YUCK! We did though stay at the park late to watch Fantasmic which was fun. Then it was time for bed so we could pack up and head home early in the morning.

All in all, this trip was a blast. It always sucks to come home from having fun and not worrying about anything. But then again, it's nice to come home to your own home. The other downfall... work. :( It is definitely hard taking a week off especially being a loan officer. I missed out on a weeks worth of loans so I have to work twice as hard to catch up. My motivation is always gone as well after getting back from vacation. But, I love my job so it just takes a couple of days to get back into the swing of things. I seriously could not be any happier right now. I don't know what I have been feeling over this passed month but something has come over me and I can not help but be happy and have fun with Jordan. I think I have been annoying him just a little bit because I have been a little hyper too often. I honestly think my job has been a huge change in the way my days are. But the is off topic. I already can't wait for our next adventure. I love Jordan, I love all of the Kellers and had so much fun! End of story!

Here are a few of the other pics from Disneyland... I won't post them all but if you have Facebook you can look at the rest there. :)

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