Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Lucky Number 7

Since January 1st I have completed five classes. My term started in October and from October to January, I only completed one class but was studying for a science class during those months. So, when the new year hit I decided I was going to really push myself to get classes done and I have been doing just that. It is not even the end of January and I have completed those five classes. Some have taken me a week, some have taken me two, and some have taken me about a month to study but I have done it. I am feeling so accomplished and motivated lately that it makes me want to just keep going. The next few classes are going to be tough but I know I can do it. My term ends on March 31st and I plan on completing three more classes. I am currently working on an accounting and finance class that will have  two tasks to them. There is also another accounting and finance/IT class that I will take a test to pass. If I can get those two out of the way, I will be super excited. The third class I am looking to accomplish is a marketing and business communications class. Reviews have said that it is pretty tough, but I think I can do it. I have about a month and a half to get these classes completed or at least get the tasks submitted and tests scheduled. They make you schedule them at least by the 15th of the month prior to the end of the term. I hope to have them scheduled by the beginning of March so that I can have enough time to retake them if I need to.

It feels so good knowing that I am getting so close. I love knocking a class out because it makes me that much close and more motivated to just keep going. I told Jordan to get ready for a vacation because we are planning one when I get done.

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