Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year to Start Now

I would have to say that 2013 was the best year yet. Along with the challenges there brought great blessings.

Reggie has by far been the greatest joy and blessing to Jordan and I. It has made us learn more about each other, love each other more and appreciate the life that we have. Working full time, feeding my family, going to school, working out, and spending time with my family is not easy. But at the end of the day when I kiss my boys goodnight, I am indeed grateful for the life that I have been given. 

I am grateful for a husband who loves me even at my worst; which is a lot of the time it seems. I am also grateful for the father he is to Reggie. It is so fun seeing the changes in Reggie and the fact that he is getting to an age to play. The highlight in my day is seeing Jordan push Reggie around on his new motorcycle that Santa brought him.  There is so much joy on both of their faces that it is priceless. I am also grateful for the handy and talented man that Jordan is as well. We have a beautiful home that means the world to me for the fact that Jordan has put many hours of work into finishing our house. He was able to make our entertainment center downstairs, build shelves for the storage room, work bench in his garage and much more. Not to mention all the finish work he did to make the house complete.  

I am eternally grateful for the gift Heavenly Father sent us on May 14th. When I am burnt out with school and stressed to the max, I sit back and think of the joy that Reggie brings to my life. We could have waited to have kids so that I could finish school or travel the world but we chose this life. We chose to have a baby and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I couldn't imagine my life without Reggie in it.  He is 7 1/2 months old and so close to crawling. He is such a busy body and can never sit still. He doesn't like to miss out on anything so he has a hard time settling down or going to sleep when people are around. He jabbers a lot and says dada but we all know he doesn't know what that means. If he knew, he would be saying mama. Just kidding. He loves his dad very much. 

I am also grateful for my family. What a blessing they are to me as well. I have the best parents in the world who help me more than they know. I love that I can call out to them for any advice, humor or simply just love. They love watching Reggie and I love that about them. I love my brother and sister so much and wish many great blessings to them this year, they have been great friends to me and are always there. Which bring me to another blessing in my life. I am grateful for Lindsey. She has always been the one friend I can turn to and rely on. She is one of those true friends that are hard to find and I am glad I have her in my life. 

I am still working at Idaho Central and I am grateful for that. It has been such a great job for me and I love what I do. I have great co-workers and a great boss. Idaho Central is a great company to work for so it has been a blessing. As much as I would love to spend my days with Reggie, I am content with my job until the day comes to stay home. I like the fact that I contribute to the family and it boosts my self-esteem when I have good commission months. It drives me to be better at what I do. I am looking forward to what the future will hold. Focusing on one thing at a time, we will see what the future holds once I am finished with school. 

In 2014, may we all learn to let go of the past and live in the present. We can't change the things that have happened but we can learn from them.  Life is too short to hate those that have wronged you. We all witnessed tragedies in 2013 where loved ones left us too early. It's better to live our lives filled with love then to live our lives with hate and regret. Forgive, forget and live on. May our 2014 resolution be to show respect to everyone no matter who they are or what they've done. We have no idea what they are going through. 

Happy New Year!!

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