Tuesday, December 13, 2016


There is a difference between humility and being humiliated. Two years ago on December 16th, I was humiliated. But, it doesn't even begin there. Rewind to November 2014, we had some huge changes coming our way. I was in my first trimester with Scotti and Jordan quit his job and started his own business. To keep a really long story short, we were sent to court for breaching a non-compete clause. While this was going on, Jordan was unable to work. We had my income which was just fine for what we needed. Then, on December 16th, I was forced to resign from ICCU for no reason other than I was "no longer a fit". Being humiliated is just a sliver of how I felt that night. I instantly lost all self-esteem I had when it came to my job and myself as a person. I was one of the top loan officers in the CU and I had just broken a few records in my department the month before. My boss knew that Jordan was not working and knew that I was pregnant as well. As humiliated and hurt as I was, I felt at peace. That night was when we truly put all our faith in the Lord. We still hadn't gotten anywhere with court and Jordan was still not working. Everyday we prayed. We thanked the Lord for everything that we had and prayed for Him to know that our hearts were true and that we had been doing everything we could to please Him. I was able to start taking over on my dad's bookkeeping which not only helped us make a little bit of money but it ended up relieving my mom of stress that she was carrying so I immediately felt relief for her. It wasn't until February that Jordan was able to return back to work. In those couple months that we were out of work, not once did we have to take money out of savings or ask for help with anything. Not only did we never have to use money we didn't want to, but Jordan was able to return to work with no restrictions considering what he was accused of during our time in court. We received so many blessings and tender mercies during our trial we endured and my testimony is stronger than it has ever been because of that. I am forever grateful to Heavenly Father for giving us that trial because it made us rely on Him and it also made Jordan and I's relationship even stronger because we had to rely on each other. I have a strong testimony in paying tithing. I know that if we can just give our 10% to the Lord, we will be blessed and we will have all that we need to survive. I also know without a doubt that He hears us. His answers don't come exactly when we want them or how we want them, but He does answer our prayers and helps us learn patience.

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