Tuesday, October 25, 2016


There is something unique about being back in the place where your husband served his mission. I was able to go to Costa Rica in September and not only go with Jordan but also with my mom, dad, brother, sister and brother's girlfriend. We stayed more south in Dominical which is not even where Jordan served. However, the feelings I felt while I was in that country were indescribable, but I'm going to try and describe them anyway.

As we were making our descent into Costa Rica, I had this overwhelming feeling of love and pride that I couldn't help but get emotional. This was the place that Jordan came to love. This was the place that Jordan served the people. This was the place that Jordan's testimony of the Gospel grew even more. This was the place that Jordan changed lives and this was the place that changed Jordan's life forever.

The last day of our trip, we drove back into San Jose to stay closer to the airport as our flight departed early the following morning. As we got into San Jose, we went to their "city center" that was basically a strip down the city of shopping, food, and lots of people. We went to a touristy souvenir hut to get some goodies to take back to the kids. We went to a pizza joint that Jordan used to get pizza at (it was terrible by the way). But, seeing him light up and get so giddy made my love for him grow even more. Those who know Jordan, know how genuine and sincere he is.

I really wanted to be able to see the temple while we were there but I didn't think we would be able to make it happen. But, right before it was getting dark we decided to set out and try and find it. As we pulled into the parking lot, the stake center right behind it was open and we kept seeing a couple people going in and out. Then it hit me... It was the women's broadcast for general conference. Something overwhelmingly pulled me into that stake center, not caring that the boys would have to stick around. We walked into the building and saw the chapel full of women and daughters watching the broadcast. Kids were running in and out and it wasn't incredibly reverent but it didn't matter. Then Jaquel, my brother's girlfriend, said she could hear the words in English somewhere. We set out to find the words being spoken and then there they were, about eight women sitting there watching the broadcast in English. We were not dressed for the occasion, but honestly, it didn't matter. The session was almost over but we were able to listen to Elder Uctdorf speak very last. What a powerful and incredible experience we had in that room. Something about being in Costa Rica where Jordan served, in a church building, listening to an apostle, with my sisters and mom, really made the spirit feel so strong. How incredible was his talk on faith? I truly feel like there was a reason why we didn't find the temple the first day and why we showed up at the time that we did. We all needed to hear that talk. We needed to feel the spirit and have our hearts and minds opened.

I am so grateful for the Gospel in my life. I am grateful that Jordan was able to serve the people of Costa Rica and have such an influence on their lives. I truly feel like it helped mold him into the man he is today. I am so grateful that I found him to be my eternal companion. We are not perfect and I get frustrated easily with him, but not once has it ever taken away the fact that I love him with all my heart and I am grateful for him and the type of person that he is. I truly am blessed.

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